Summer Learning in the Dallas Metroplex – Don’t Let Your Child Suffer From Learning Loss

Summer learning has been measured as a necessity for kids to manage the loss of learning during the summer break. There are many programs offered for kids that help them enhance their skills. Educational programs like RARE Learning have been offering filmmaking, reading, math, and science and digital photography programs for more than a decade. These courses are especially designed to boost creativity, teamwork and the freedom of expression in younger ages.

Research has proven that the summer break has a negative impact on children’s learning skills. However, if proper attention is given to kids, the loss can be managed. Researchers like Harris Cooper have suggested that a way to overcome this is, either by shortening summer vacations or by adding short courses during the summer holidays. Such proposals are not appealing for everyone, as many families appreciate old-fashioned summer holidays.

Here are some tips that can help you deal with summer learning loss:-

Assessment of Learning Needs:

At first, it is necessary to understand your child’s present skills and identify areas for improvement. Their teacher’s feedback, previous test reports and personal analysis of your child can be helpful in making an analysis.

Listen to your child reading aloud. Check his level of interest in studies and observe which subject he tries to avoid most of the time. Take note of memorization abilities and encourage him to learn the meanings of new words. Studies have found that if kids are given individual attention, they can become better readers (Connor et al).

Challenge Your Kid:

It’s always good to challenge children regularly. Provide them with books that are a bit more challenging for them to read. Studies have found that if kids are allowed to choose their own books they prefer to go with the easiest ones. This approach will not help them enhance their skills. Hence, it is better to provide kids with books of your own choice, making sure that they are a bit tougher than the previous books read by them. (Kim and Guryan)

Unstructured and Flexible Learning:

Researchers also believe that effective learning programs should have clear learning goals, flexible schedules, field trips and new and interesting skills for kids. Educational lessons should also be woven into these programs. This interesting practical experience if paired with the information taught in the curriculum will help kids retain what they have learnt. (SR Bell, N. Carrillo).


RARE Learning offers innovative courses for kids of different ages providing an opportunity for parents to manage their children’s learned skills in an effective manner.

Filmmaking and digital photography classes during summer break are their most appreciated programs. These programs are designed to boost self-esteem and creativity and provide an opportunity for kids between the ages of 9 to 15 years to express their own individual perspective on different things.

Besides being taught the art of storytelling with short videos, kids are also trained to use technology to express themselves. RARE Learning will be offering the filmmaking summer workshop in Texas, starting from summer 2017, making it the 11th consecutive year of offering this program successfully.

Reference to Article:

Cooper H, Nye B, Charlton K, Lindsay J, and Greathouse S. 1996. The effects of summer vacation on achievement test scores: A narrative and meta analytic review. Review of Educational Research 66: 227–268.

Kim JS and Guryan J. 2010. The efficacy of a voluntary summer book reading intervention for low-income Latino children from language minority families. Journal of Educational Psychology, Vol 102(1): 20-31.

Bell SR and Carrillo N. 2007. Characteristics of Effective Summer Learning Programs in Practice. New Directions for Youth Development 114: 45-63.

Children at school” by Lupuca is licensed under CC BY-SA

Girl reading a book” by is licensed under CC BY

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