Dallas Parents, It’s Time to Get Ready for School—Five Strategies To Prepare Your Child!

Pre Schools in Allen

The time has finally come — for your little one to take his or her first steps into a school environment to begin the long, fruitful and rewarding journey of formal education. While it’s a huge milestone and a big change for both you and your child, with a little bit of extra preparation, there’s no reason it shouldn’t be a smooth, seamless and happy transition!

 1. Start establishing routines

Far from the relaxed atmosphere of your family home, the regularity of a daily school routine may come as an unwelcome shock to your little one. To combat this, try introducing the concept of a regular morning and bedtime routine early on. Have your child wake up at a designated time each morning and incorporate elements like making the bed, eating breakfast and getting dressed and ready for the day to get their bodies and minds used to the new habits before school begins.

2. Have positive conversations with your child

Bring up the subject of starting school in conversations with your young one a few weeks before their first day, talking about it in a cheerful and upbeat way. Tell them what their class will be like, what their teacher’s name is, what they’ll do and learn at school. This helps your child see it as something to look forward to and be excited about in advance. Bonus points if you’re able to visit or drive past the school itself to give your child an idea of what to expect! This helps build a sense of familiarity and helps the first day at school not feel like a whole new world.

3. Establish your child’s self-help skills

Being at school marks a huge step in your child’s social development. He or she is going to need to be able to not only interact with classmates but also be able to vocalize their needs to their teachers. This is why it’s important to start getting your young ones used to not only saying what they want but also independently performing small tasks such as putting on their backpack and shoes, hanging up coats, using the toilet and washing hands.

4. Read books

Dallas Parents, It's Time to Get Ready for School—Five Strategies To Prepare Your Child! - School - Rare Learning - 2025

There are many children’s books out there that specifically talk about the first day of school, making for a fun and relevant read. Storytime will also give your child the chance to better visualize what going to school might entail, as well as the opportunity to ask questions or express fears- so listen carefully!

5. Get them used to a school environment with early education classes

As you plan your young one’s next steps, consider enrolling them in early education classes before they start school. These can provide an educational environment that helps ease them in, gets them acquainted with learning skills, builds curiosity and lets them experience what academic success feels like. That way, even before they start school, they’ll already be skilled in basic social and academic abilities needed to thrive in a brand-new learning environment.

Good luck parents!

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